Belgian Student Championship Ultimate frisbee
Practical information:
- When? 12/03/25
- Where? Sportcampus Arenberg, Leuven
- 1 terrain (Artificial Grass)
- You can register via your sports coordinator, until February, 23th.
- Start of the competition at 1 pm (can still be adjusted depending on the registrations
- This event will be held together with the Flemish finals, where students will compete in 7 different team sports for the Flemish student champion title.
Match information
- 40 minutes or until the first team reaches 13 points
- Rest period when a team has 8 points or after 20 minutes of play
The clock does not stop, the teams switch sides and immediately start again.
- Each team is entitled to ask for 1 time-out, but it cannot be taken during the last 5 minutes of the match
Rules of Brick
8 meters from the end zone (between 2 blocks located on the sidelines)
- Points for the winning team: 3 points
- Points for the losing team: 0 points
- In case of a tie after 40 minutes, the teams replay a point. If there is a tie in the final result (between 3 teams), the goal difference will be taken into account.
End of the match
The captain of each team must sign the result obtained and hand it over to someone of the organisation.
Each team gives a score on 'team spirit' via the official form.