BSC Judo individual 2024-2025




Competition information    

Belgian Student Championship Judo individual

On the 4th of December 2024, the BSC judo individual will take place in the Omnisport hall of UMons. 

Practical information

  • Who: In order to particate, you need to have at least a green belt.
  • Location: Omnisport hall UMons, Avenue de Champs de Mars, 7000 Mons
  • Timing:
    • Weigh-in between 12h00 - 13h00
    • Start competition at 13h30
  • Weight categories:
    • Ladies: -48 kg; -52 kg; -57 kg; -63 kg; -70 kg; -78 kg; +78kg
    • Mens: -60 kg; -66 kg; -73 kg; -81 kg; -90 kg; -100 kg; +100 kg
  • Registrations are possible until monday 2/12/2024 12h via the link above

The championship will be held at 2 tatami's.

Don't forget to bring your student card, ID-card and water bottle. 

BSC Judo in teams 2024-2025


Sportcampus Arenberg, GBDN


Competition information    

Belgian Student Championship Judo in teams

On March 25 KU Leuven will host the BSC judo in teams. It will take place in Gebouw de Nayer. 

2 tatami's

Weight categories:

Women: -57 kg; -63 kg; + 63 kg (still needs to be confirmed based on the individual judo championship on 13/12/2023)
Men: -66 kg; -73 kg; -81 kg; -90 kg; +90 kg


  • 3 women and 5 men (minimum 5 and maximum 8 judokas)
  • 8 extra judokas allowed
  • It's obligated to have al least 1 woman in the team
  • You need to have a green belt in order to participate


  • Weigh-in between 12h - 13h
  • Start of the competition at 13h30
  • The competion will come to end around 18h


  •  You need to contact your sports coordinator of your university in order to register your team.
  • You can register until 18/3/2025 12h
