Belgian Student Championship 1/4 triatlon women & men.
The BSC triatlon will take place on May 18th in Seneffe.
Parcours & general information.
Bike parking
Set up your bike between 12h30 and 14h15
Drafting is forbidden
Award ceremony at 18h
More information can be found on the website of the organisation.
Registrations are possible until the 14th of may 2025 23h59.
There is a maximum of 350 competitors. The registrations will be closed off the moment the maximum amount has been reached.
Documents you have to show on the race day
If you don't have a licence with VTDL or LBFTB, you have to buy a day license of €12,5 (in cash) on the race day.
If you are a member of a triatlon club, you need to show a proof of subscription at the club
Medical attest
Every participant without a licence (under 19 years old) with VTDL or LBFTB needs to let this document been filled out by a GP maximum 3 months before the race in order to compete.